Anxiety from sad thoughts; on starting from sleep.
Cheerfulness followed by prostration, irritability.
Cheerful during perspiration; in morning on waking.
Visions of fire, dreams of fire.
Delusion as if parts of body are too large.
Fear of pain.
Aversion to going out.
Irritability when walking.
Laziness ameliorated, in the evening; taciturn, evening ameliorates. Desires to be read to.
Restlessness at night after midnight to 4 am, during heat.
Sadness, after eating ameliorated; after supper ameliorated.
The urinogenital system is the one that is affected primarily by this remedy. Inflammation and induration of testes is very strong feature, together with problems in urination and swelling and hardness of the spermatic cords and scrotum. In women we see inflammation and tumours in ovaries and mammae.
Aggravation in the night is a keynote for Clematis. The testes, for instance as the parts that are affected primarily, have an inflam¬mation which is extremely painful, but only during the night. This is a very peculiar keynote of this remedy.
Another strong feature of this remedy is intermittent urination (like Conium). Such a symptom is caused either by an enlarged prostate or by a stricture of the urethra; ‘He is unable to evacuate all urine at once; it frequently stops while running; after a time (if he makes a conscious exertion) or if he pushes under the scrotum another portion comes, and so stops several