Bruised pain in all limbs, as from fatigue.
Drawing and tearing pain in all joints, mostly in the knees and finger joints.
In the evening, pain in the knees, in the right hand and left shoulder.
Rheumatic shoulder pains. Pain in anterior portion of right shoulder. In the evening violent pain in left shoulder and in chest, with a feeling as though he should belch to relieve the pain.
Hard and callous patches with deep cracks in the palms of workmen.
Cracked skin from wetting hands. Cracks in hand in winter.
Cracking and bleeding of finger tips.
Ends of fingers very sensitive to cold, pain more acute when fingers become cold.
Eruptions on tips of finger.
Herpes of fingers.
Hot swollen hand.
Pains in knees and in right thigh, while walking and sitting.
Piercing pain in right great toe, in the evening.
Cold feet.
Very restless nights, on account of flatulence or annoying dryness of throat. Anxious dreams.
Fever, Chill, and Perspiration
Tendency to chilliness, with cold feet.
Chill at night in warm room.
But also: fever heat with thirst, drinks much.
Flushes of heat in face.
Sweats easily, especially at night.
The more he sweats the colder he becomes.
Severe chill, followed by fever heat with trembling; with this, quickly developing swelling of the parotids and cervical glands with deep redness.