Rectum and Stool
Tendency to diarrhoea, also chronic diarrhoea; even chronic dysentery. Diarrhoea: after eating fruit; after drinking coffee; from wet weather; in patients with swollen glands.
Diarrhoea after vegetables.
Phatak says that there is diarrhoea with goitre: ‘Very thin stool, at night until daybreak, squirting out, of a greyish yellow colour; afterwards still three stools until noon.’
Male Genitalia
Frequent itching at scrotum.
Mastitis, usually left-sided, with suppuration, with a great feeling of fullness in chest; mammae extremely sensitive to cold air.
‘Having been taken much as a tea for the sequel of scarlet fever, Cistus produced an induration in the (left) mamma, which was presumed to be cancer and was operated upon successfully’ (Lippe).
Painful pimples which bleed easily.
Neck and Back
Cervical glands and lymph nodes swollen, inflamed, indurated or suppurating. Hering quotes a case where the head was drawn sideways by many scrofulous glandular swellings and ulcers in the region of neck and nape of neck. After Cistus, all the tumours opened, evacuated and finally healed, and the head could be moved freely again.
Burning and bruised pain in the coccyx, preventing sitting and aggravated by touch. Pain in coccyx during menses.
Eruptions on back are burning, painful to touch. Herpes Zoster, vesicles on back. Pimples come out in dorsal region. Spots on scapulae.