Inner swelling of the ears.
Swelling of the parotids, with much redness and severe chill, followed by fever heat with trembling.
Itching in the ear not ameliorated by scratching.
Herpetic eruptions around and in the ears, extending into external meatus. Otorrhoea: watery moisture and foetid pus. Discharges form ear after suppressed eruption.
Frequent and violent sneezing, evening and morning; also without coryza or any other apparent cause; sometimes preceded by itching of nose. Cool feeling or burning in nose. Chronic coryza with thick, yellow, offensive mucus and burning or coldness in nose on inhaling air.
Cistus may even act as a prophylactic: ‘All other children in her class had a tremendous head cold, but she had absolutely nothing’ (Margaret Tyler). Painful tip or left side of nose, also with inflammation and swelling.
Rawness, burning, smarting pain in posterior nares.
Lupus in nose.
Left sided coryza and dryness in the nose, especially left side.
Flushes of heat in face.
Thick swelling, beginning at the ear, half way up the cheek.
Vesicular erysipelas in the face. Lupus.
Sharp shooting, intolerable itching, and thick crusts in face, with burning on right zygoma.
Cracked and bleeding lips. Bleeding ulcer at lower lip, even if malignant. Cancer of lower lip.
One sided tension of skin as if muscles were drawn to one side.
Burning, drawing, tearing pains in face in evening.
Cancer of lower jaw.