Spasmodic yawning, which cannot be suppressed; yawning will cause pains to reappear or increase.
Fever, Chill, and Perspiration
The regulation of warmth is often disturbed in Cina patients. There is either pale cold face even during the fever heat, with warm hands, or much burning heat over the whole face, with glowing redness of the cheeks; these states can alternate very rapidly.
Heat mostly in the head during the fever, with yellow colour of face and blue rings around the eyes.
Frequently the chill is marked and not relieved near a hot stove. Shivering creeping over the trunk; shivering creeping from upper part of body to the head, as if the hair stood on end; no amelioration from external warmth.
Febrile shivering over the whole body, with hot cheeks.
Frequent attacks of very high fever, the heat is mostly felt in the head. Intermittent fevers with vomiting and canine hunger, even immedi¬ately after vomiting; clean tongue, dilated pupils, etc.
Cold sweat, especially on forehead, nose and hands.
Fever returning every day at the same hour; with very short breath, with vomiting of ingesta, etc.
Whole body surface extremely sensitive to touch.
Much itching, obliging to scratch, rub, pick or bore, which is constantly done; rubs face, ears, nose, perineum, anus, etc.
Eruption of red itching pimples in the evening, soon disappearing again.
Abdomen, distended. Anaemia. Anus, irritation of. Asthenopia. Asthma. Bronchitis. Borborygmi. Chorea. Colic. Convulsions. Cough. Dentition.
Diarrhoea. Enuresis. Eyes, affections of. Hydrocephaloid. intermittent fever.