
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1910

Rectum and Stool Intense itching at anus, obliging to scratch.
Much diarrhoea: watery; mushy; bilious; white, involuntary evacu¬ations; of white mucus in little pieces like popcorn; immediately after drinking; during the menses or in pregnancy.
Discharge of worms, especially Ascarides.
Intestinal catarrh, incessant crying when not carried about, belly is much protruded during crying.
Urinary Organs
Frequent urging to urinate, with passage of much urine, all day.
Involuntary urination, enuresis nocturna; worse every full moon;
often with ravenous hunger.
The urine is usually turbid, either when first voided or after some standing, often white and milky, sometimes with a strong odour.
Female Genitalia
Uterine haemorrhage, particularly before the age of menstruation.
Labour-like pains in the abdomen, frequently recurring, as though the menses would appear.
Menses too early, too profuse, especially in women who suffer with much itching of the nose and nocturnal restlessness even during sleep.
Complaints during pregnancy: diarrhoea, worse after drinking; grinding of teeth with restlessness and tossing about; nausea and vomiting with hollow feeling in head; constant pressure in stomach at night; dimness of vision, better rubbing the eyes.
Neck and Back
Drawing tearing pain down the whole spine.
Tearing jerking pain in middle of spine.
Pain as from fatigue in loins and spine, as though one had stood for a
long time; especially on bending forward or sideways.
Bruised pain in small of back, which is not increased by motion.