blow. An interesting symptom is: ‘Dull stitches here and there at the body, now in the limbs, arms, legs, toes, now in the side or back, now in the nasal bones, but especially at the hip (posterior crest of ilium); sometimes like a cramp, sometimes like a pressure, or like blows or jerks, sometimes like an itching; on pressure the part hurts as if sore and bruised’.
Symptoms that accompany yawning and always come on when one yawns. On yawning, trembling of the body, with sens¬ation of shivering’. The yawning cannot be suppressed and will increase or renew pains. Symptom combinations that point strongly to Cina are: ‘Children that constantly yawn and rub their nose because of itching’ (Borland).
Alternatively, there may be abdominal complaints with rolling of the head, or rubbing it against the pillow. The rolling motion will sometimes cause an amelioration of symptoms like headaches. Or; the head is leaned to one side all the time, with great drowsiness. Other nervous symptoms: grinding of teeth at night; involun¬tary chewing and swallowing motions, also during sleep.
Sour body smell of children. Hyperacidity of the stomach, children that spit up sour milk and eructate sour wind. Cina children will look very pale and sick, and their bodies may be very much weakened, but notwithstanding the weakness, they have the charac¬teristic traits of restlessness and excitability, anger, constant crying, irritability, obstinacy etc.
‘Cold sweat, especially on face and forehead’ (from Bonninghausen) is a frequent concomitant symptom.
Whereas Chamomilla tends to cause and cure affections of the ear, Cina prefers the eyes, causing an altered vision with a tendency to see yellow (the blue sky will be perceived as green, etc.) or violet. Inward strabismus is also a Cina symptom.