The unexpanded flower-heads (‘seeds’) of Artemisia Maritima.
Semen Cinae. Flores Cinae. Artemesia contra.
N.O. Compositae.
Since ancient times, Cina has been well known as a worm remedy, especially in children affected by roundworm. Even its old name, ‘Wormseed’, suggests this. But since homeopathy does not rely on old indications alone, even if they are well-confirmed, but on the similarity of symptoms, we will not prescribe it simply on the basis of a diagnosis of worms.
We look for the symptoms from provings and cured cases, and compare them to the picture the patient presents. Although the symptom picture of Cina shows that the old indication for ‘worms’ has very good reason, it is hardly exact enough, because Cina is not helpful in all cases of roundworm in children, nor are all the cases where Cina acts ‘worm’ cases.
The Mental State
The mental state and behaviour of the patient is similar to the condition of a patient with worms. They cannot find peace, regard¬less of the situation outside, all the time something is eating inside them as worms do. When a child acts like this and you give Cina, it is possible that many worms are discharged.