
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1874

1) Suppression or ceasing of the menses or other flows, generally from the uterus (as the lochia), will often cause a lot of complaints on different levels: manic and hysterical states as well as depression and deep melancholy; chorea, tremors, etc., as well as severe headaches, etc.
Discharges may be suppressed from getting exposed to cold, and then severe disease states may come on, as chorea, depressive or manic states, etc. ‘Catarrh which precedes rheumatic attacks’ (Hale) may be an indication of Cimicifuga.
Soreness, stiffness and contraction may affect the muscles.
Some special localities, besides the uterus are: the eye muscles; the nape of the neck and the region of the cervical and dorsal spine.
2) Emotional stresses of any kind may cause pathological states, such as suppression of the menses, headaches, etc. This may apply to anxiety, fright, excitement, disappointed love, mental worry and sorrow, also worry from business failures, etc.
Intellectual over-strain is also a causative factor, especially for the headaches. ‘Headache of students’ (Hering).
Since Cimicifuga patients are very sensitive to cold air, especially to cold damp draughts, they will easily catch a cold, and this has many pathological effects upon their organisms.
Cold air and draught will also easily cause ‘stiff neck’, lumbago, and other ailments of the neck, back and limbs. It should be noted here, though, that headaches are usually relieved in the open air.
Its main action, as said above, is on the female sexual and generative system and on the nerves and muscles. The symptoms tend to