General feeling of intoxication. When walking, has to proceed with great caution for fear of falling.
Mind dull and heavy; cannot collect her thoughts long enough to write a few lines.
Disposed to get angry easily. Irritable; least thing that goes wrong makes her angry. Angry because of inability to concentrate.
Faintness in the epigastrium on meeting anyone he knows, like that produced by a sudden fright.
General Symptoms
This remedy has a strong affinity to the female organism, and more specifically, to the female generative organs and functions. Not only has it been used successfully in many cases in threatened abortion, dysmenorrhoea, neuralgic pains of ovaries and uterus, and many other complaints, but symptoms on all levels of the organism and in all regions of the body can have their origin or repercussion in a malfunction of the female genitalia. ‘Reflex pains’ from uterine affection may shoot up, down, or from side to side everywhere: in the abdomen, up the sides of the thorax or up the neck, to the head, across the hips and down the thighs, etc., or they become fixed as a stitching or darting pain under the left mamma.
Moreover, a lot of complaints will tend to come on at the time of the menses. ‘Worse during menstruation’ is a very important modality of the remedy. The same is true during the cessation of the menses in climacterium, so Cimicifuga is a curative agent in a host of complaints occasioned by the ‘change of life’. Small wonder, then, that the remedy has homeopathic similarity to many comp¬laints of pregnancy and of labour.