and a peculiar wild look about the eyes.
Mania that follows the disappearance of neuralgia;
there is an alternation of manic or depressive states on one hand, and rheumatic pains on the other.
Puerperal mania; for example: she does not know what is the matter with her head, it feels so strange; she talks incoherently, screams, clutches her breast as though in pain, tries to injure herself.
Delirium; with excessive restlessness, twitching of tendons, starting up suddenly; with wild imagining of rats etc., and ‘crazy’ or ‘wild’ and strange feeling in and about head; frightened, trembling, cannot remain in one place.
Hysterical states, depressions, or even acute psychosis, occur during climacterium.
Apprehensive and sleepless; during pregnancy.
Indescribable fear of impending evil. Dreams of disaster and would wake up in great apprehension. Gloomy foreboding. Fears riding in a closed vehicle, of being obliged to jump out. Illusions of hearing: she hears knocking and rumbling in the house, believes that someone is running about.
Mental Symptoms
Great forgetfulness, with inability to concentrate her ideas, which makes her very angry. Weakness of memory, forgetfulness. Forgets what she has just done.
She cannot find the right word, the word she wants to say. Mental dullness: semi-intoxicated feeling, with swimming feeling of head.