
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1871

she will break into tears or express in various ways the over-whelming sadness’.
This state looks like Pulsatilla but the two remedies cannot be confused; Puls, is warm and likes open air and draughts, Cimicifuga is cold and hates draughts of air.
Manic States and Psychopathic Symptoms
Suspicion is quite strong in this remedy. Suspicious of every¬body; suspicion that borders on paranoia. Fears those in the house will kill him. Feels forsaken by everybody, all the world is against her.
In their chronic states they will give reasons why they cannot trust anybody: in the acute mental conditions they will not even take the remedy because there is something wrong about it; she suspects that the husband has poisoned her; constant suspicion towards her friends, aversion to those she loved best before; sometimes she looks under her bed.
Symptoms resembling delirium tremens are found in acute condi¬tions: nausea, retching, dilated pupils, heavy outward-pressing headache, tremor of the limbs, incessant talking and changing from one subject to the other, without any order, though patients were perfectly sensible when spoken to; great wakefulness, imagin¬ing strange objects on the bed, and in the room, as rats, sheep, etc.; ‘She was often started by the illusion of a mouse running from under her chair’. ‘Imagines strange objects on the bed, and in the room, as rats, sheep, etc. …exclaims that she sees rats, mice, and insects on bed, floor, and ceiling’.
Sometimes they rouse themselves from their state of incoherent talkativeness, and inquire regarding persons present: “Who is this? Who is that? What does he want here?”; with a quick full pulse,