Actaea Racemosa.
also Actaea monogynia. C. Serpentaria. Macrotys Racemosa.
Black Snake root.
N.O. Ranunculaceae, the buttercup family.
Tincture of the root. Trituration of the resinoid, Macrotyn.
The Cimicifuga individual is one suffering with chronic headaches and rheumatic complaints. This remedy will be especially indicated when rheumatic complains are concentrated on the cervical region, with a stiffness that brings about intolerable headaches, or a state of dullness as if the brain were inside a cloud.
All complains are affected by draughts, by cold weather, or by changes in the weather. Every change will bring on severe head pain that usually starts with a stiffness in the cervical region. Women who are suffering around the time of their menses with unbearable headaches, and as might be expected looking miserable, are likely to be Cimicifuga.
There is usually a hysterical element in these patients and a constant over-excitement in beginning stages, that prompts them to speak fast, changing subjects but usually with the same tone in the voice, so though they may speak loudly and excitedly, they sound mono¬tonous, and the person listening finds it difficult to follow. If you ask them one question, they will give you so much information that you feel you do not need it all, but they speak so fast, and the ideas seem to come one after the other so that you have no chance to interrupt them. ‘Restlessness; loquacious, incessant talking, jumping from
one subject to the other, without any order’.