Wakes up exhausted and unrefreshed every morning, as if he had not gotten enough sleep.
In certain cases where great excitement prevails, there may also be complete sleeplessness.
Coldness and chilliness prevail in this remedy, and there is a great longing for a hot stove. Warmth will generally relieve the complaints, while coldness aggravates and sometimes excites spasmodic states. The extremities and ears are often very cold, but this can alternate with much heat and redness of the ears or other parts.
Strange chilly feelings, especially starting in the chest, in the region of the heart, afterwards extending downwards into the thighs and over the arms; this can be an aura symptom of an epileptic fit.
But there also peculiar sensations of heat, all over the body or particularly in the chest, or in the stomach and bowels.
Profuse sweat at night, particularly on the abdomen; children who are subject to scalp perspiration during sleep.
A pustular eruption, with yellow pustules exuding a yellow fluid which dries and forms thick, confluent scurf of a yellow colour like honey, and excites a burning pain, is characteristic of the remedy. It is found especially on the head and in the face, sometimes on the hands (for more detail, see under those sections).
This kind of eruption is frequently found in the history of a case of epilepsy or spasmodic states. Cerebral pathology, mostly of a spasmodic character, after suppression of a skin eruption is a well-confirmed indication.
Eczema with exudation that dries into a hard lemon-coloured scab, but without itching.
Burning itching over the entire body.