starting motions.
Lentil-sized, elevated eruptions on both hands, also at the balls of thumbs, with burning pain on formation; then confluent, of a dark-red colour.
Painful feeling of stiffness and rigidity in the muscles of the lower limbs, making walking completely impossible.
Feet refuse to carry him, with staggering and falling.
Visible trembling of one thigh; extremely violent tremor of the left leg.
Violent pain in the left thigh, preventing motion and forcing him to lie down; it spreads down to the leg and foot and seems to provoke a straightening of the foot which finally is extended horizontally, in a straight line with the tibia. The attacks follow each other every quarter of an hour and are much more intense at night.
Weakness in the knees after standing for a short time only.
Swelling and pain of the left knee.
Does not step properly on the soles of the feet when walking; the soles tilt inward, and the walking is done on the outer edge of the foot. Sometimes with this disturbance of gait, the leg is swung in a half circle when walking.
Much sleepiness immediately after eating lunch, with bellyache; feels more fatigued at noon than in the evening.
Sleeps for a long time after convulsive attacks, sometimes all day. Soporous conditions, from which the patient can hardly be aroused, are frequent, at night as well as during the day.
Sudden starting from sleep, with a muscular jerking that seems to go through the whole body like lightning; like an electric shock, with tension of all the muscles.
Restless sleep at night, with repeated biting of the tongue.
Epileptic attacks at night; starts out of sleep, raises head, stares fixedly before him, breathing ceases, turns blue in the face, catches his breath anxiously, great beads of sweat can be seen on his forehead.
Frequent waking from sleep, with sweat all over every time, but the perspiration makes him feel invigorated, rather than exhausted.
Vivid dreams about the events of the previous day, a symptom that has been confirmed in clinical cases. Or: vivid but unremembered dreams.