
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1859

An interesting proving symptom (Lembke): ‘A characteristic about the stools was that the urging came suddenly, without any warning, and so violent that it could hardly be withstood. At the same time, sore pain in small of back and a general feeling of weakness. The stools themselves were also evacuated suddenly, followed by some urging again, and often accompa¬nied by urging to urinate.’
Thin stools, with a violent and irresistible urging to urinate, which is immediately renewed after the emission of urine; especially at night, after midnight.
Stools consisting of black mucus, with a cadaverous smell, in small amounts. Constipation; or stools more frequent and thin than usual; or diarrhoeic stool followed by constipation.
Diarrhoeic, profuse watery stools that are excited by any noise, better at rest and in a dark room.
Cicuta may be a remedy in ulcerative colitis with much anal bleeding and spasmodic pains. De Baets relates a case (Small Remedies, Case 40) where a patient had developed a headache and epileptiform spasmodic states (but with negative EEG!) after a car accident. He had had some tendency to bleeding, such as recurrent epistaxis and several a small haemorrhages from the anus, which had increased after a cauterisation of the nose. After having been given Pulsatilla, the headache ceased but the haemorrhages increased more and more till he developed a severe ulcerative colitis, bleeding ten times a day. Cicuta removed the bleeding and the spasmodic pain as well as the epileptiform attacks. Itching in the rectum, just above the anus; burning pain after rubbing, the pain always caused shivering.
Urinary Organs
Involuntary urination during convulsive attacks, the urine is propelled with great force (after the boy had fallen to the ground, the stream rose ‘to the height of a man’, as a poisoning report says).
Involuntary urination in old men, with great anxiety and general weariness and a lack of muscular power.
Frequent urging to urinate; frequent micturition. Irresistible urging to urinate