Loud, violent singultus; from spasm of the diaphragm, accompanied by swelling of the stomach region. In poisoning cases, the spasm was so violent that it completely prevented swallowing and could not be suppressed by mechanical pressure on the stomach region. Singultus as an aura symptom in epilepsy.
Nausea, especially in the morning and while eating, accompanied by a stinging tearing headache.
Violent vomiting: of blood or bile; when trying to rise; during pregnancy; with trismus that is not relieved by the vomiting; alternating with violent tonic spasms of the pectoral muscles and distortion of the eyes.
Vomiting with headache, thirst and dry throat.
On stooping, a yellow, very bitter fluid is gulped up and out from the mouth, with subsequent burning in the pharynx.
A feeling from the stomach similar to pyrosis; feels nauseous and hot all over and much saliva flows from the mouth.
Heat, burning or burning pressure in the stomach and bowels.
Stinging pain in the pit of the stomach.
Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, which is swollen the size of a fist. A sensation like a blow in the epigastric region, as if from a finger, making him start; has to collect himself afterwards to come to his full senses again. Such ‘shock feelings’ in the epigastric region may extend right through to the back as if like lightning, triggering a most painful opisthotonus.
Immediately after eating, bellyache and sleepiness; also vertigo as if intoxicated. The fatigue after lunch is intense, and greater than in the evening. Violent burning pain in the bowels.
Abdomen distended and very painful to touch. Much meteorism, with rumbling and roaring in the abdomen, as if he is about to produce stool; with constant anxiety and fretfulness.
Colic pains, with vomiting and convulsions. The colic pains may be extremely violent.