Oppression of breathing, with dyspnoea; tightness of the chest, can scarcely breathe the entire day. This may be caused by a tonic spasm of the pectoral muscles and it is accompanied by violent hiccuping.
In convulsive states, the breathing is often interrupted in spells, suspended for some moments, with subsequent gasping for air, or snoring and irregular. Feeling of heat in the chest, increased by smoking tobacco; or a cold sensation in the chest, especially about the heart, spreading to the extremities, followed by an inclination to stare.
Pressive pain as if sore from a blow, at the lower end of the sternum.
Sensation in the chest and throat as if something the size of a fist is lodged there, seemingly pressing [pushing] the throat apart and impeding inspiration.
The great keynote in the heart region is a ‘peculiar feeling as if the heart stopped beating, on walking.’
Feeling at the heart as if about to faint, with anxiety, facial perspiration, and tremor of the hands.
Tremulous palpitation and pulse.
The pulse is usually slowed down and weak, sometimes almost imperceptible; an accelerated pulse has, however, also been observed.
Loss of appetite, with a dry feeling in the mouth and a diminished sense of taste; or a constant and almost insatiable appetite, even immediately after a meal. Or: at noon, an appetite which disappears as soon as he begins to eat; feels satisfied at once, along with a pressive pain in the stomach.
Great thirst for cold water, with dryness of the pharynx and throat, and sometimes with an inability to swallow due to spasmodic contraction of the throat.
The most important food desire is a craving for indigestible substances such as coal or raw potatoes, which are eaten with apparent relish. A longing for wine has also been observed, as well as an aversion to eggs and a sensitivity to milk, which may cause bloating.