‘He believed not to live in ordinary circumstances; every¬thing was perceived as strange and almost frightening; a state as though one wakes from a feverish state and sees all kinds of figures, but without feeling of physical sickness.’
‘He became indifferent to everything, and began to doubt if he was really in the condition in which he found himself.’ ‘Feels as if he was in a strange place, which causes fear’.
‘While lying in bed, a strange feeling as if his whole body was swollen, and at the same time a strange starting as if he was about to fall out of his bed.’
‘Delirium with the loss of consciousness and inability to speak’
‘Manic state: after an unusual sleep, heat of body, and she jumped out of the bed, danced and laughed and did all sorts of foolish things; she drank much wine, jumped around constantly, clapped her hands, with a very red face; all night.’
‘She thinks that she sees coming towards her a huge drunken man, who lies down alongside of her, she begs him to retire, falls into convulsions, and turns over on her abdomen.’
Extreme violence of spasmodic and delirious symptoms; tends to do rash and absurd things (Guernsey).
‘Delirium, cries, sings; loss of consciousness, with open eyes, knows no one, but when touched and spoken to, answers questions; suddenly consciousness returns, and she remem¬bers nothing of what has occurred. These memory blanks can encompass hours or even days’ (Kent).
Another symptom is overestimation of oneself on the one hand and insecurity on the other. An interesting vertigo symptom which shows