In the chronic mental states we see immaturity and childishness. They really can produce a completely innocent expression, as if pure, as if they had forgotten their past completely, as if their past had no effect on them. The depth or seriousness of an adult is lacking. They appear much too naive for their age and their experience. You can see in them the beauty, as well as the immature behaviour, of a child. A very characteristic proving symptom is: He feels like a child of seven or eight years, as though the objects were very dear and attractive to him, like toys to a child.’
This kind of immaturity is close to some other remedies. Pulsatilla, which has many symptoms in common with Cicuta, is also somewhat naive and, often, has not learned to deal with day-to-day conflicts. Puls. people will always try to hold on to someone, find someone to solve their problems for them. They cry and complain a great deal; they are mild people who have not learned how to fight.
Baryta carbonica patients, on the other hand, are people who want to remain in a state of childhood because they feel more comfortable there. They might say things like, “I don’t want to grow up!”
Bufo patients are also often immature and mentally retarded and usually have great problems in establishing human contact. They are ‘difficult,’ not easy to get close to and, therefore, frequently inca¬pable of developing emotional or sexual contact. Consequently, they tend to resort to excessive masturbation. However, if they do manage to get involved in a sexual relationship, they will be ‘difficult,’ often acting aggressively during sex.
The mild and yielding character of Cicuta patients may show itself in an acute state: while the convulsive attacks are characterised by excessive violence in all actions, Kent says that ‘between the