
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1835

Botanical, Coffea, Ipec., Galeum, Mitchella.
Antidoted by: Ferr., Ars., Nat-m., Carb-v., Aran-d. Eup-per., Ipec., Merc., Nux-v., Puls, Rhus, Sep., Sul., Ver.
Antidotes: Ars., Calc., Cham., Coff., Ferr., Hell., Iod., Merc., Sul., Ver. Is
useful in bad effects of tea drinking and after abuse of chamomile tea (uterine haemorrhage).
Compatible: Calc. Phos., Fer.
Incompatible: After Dig., Selen.
Complementary: Fer.
Compare: Ars. (prostration without pain, black stools); Coloc. (beer intoxicates easily); Cedr., Caps., Cupr. Acet. (black, thin stools); Pso. (rapid exhaustion following acute diseases); Pso. has despair of recovery); Puls. (bitter taste). worse from eating at night. As if food lying in oesophagus); Caust. (Meniere’s disease); Salic-ac. (Meniere’s disease); Phos-ac. (lientary; seminal emissions; diarrhoea – but this does not exhaust with Phos-ac.) Merc. (chronic salivation); Stram. (black stools); Sul. and Sul-ac. (sensation as if brain were balancing to and fro and striking against skull, occasioning the pains). In aversion to be looked at (Ant-c., Cham., Stram); worse from brandy (Ars., Carb-v., Nux-v.; diarrhoea immediately after eating (Ars., Aloe., Lyc., Pod., Staph., Tromb. – Fer. while eating); hepatitis with great tenderness (Acon., Ars., Lyc., Merc.); hunger after meals with empty feeling.