
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1827

Spasmodic contractive pain through testicles, urethra, and glans, in the evening. Sore sensation at margin of prepuce with continuous burning at orifice of urethra, both prominently worse by rubbing of clothes.
Too easy ejaculation from the slightest irritation or excitation; nocturnal ejaculation, frequent, strong, periodic (3 a.m.); debilitating, exhausting.
Female Genitalia
In the female, the sexual drive is also increased, even with uterine haemorrhages or after delivery, but the main action of the remedy in causing as well as in curing is in severe uterine haemorrhage (usually passive), often long-continued, and its consequences.
The menstrual discharge is much increased in quantity, and the blood is passed in black clots. With the menses, there are twitchings, with spasms in abdomen and chest, dysmenorrhoea; the abdomen feels greatly distended; rush of blood to head, with throbbing carotids, bloated face, protruding eyes, lachrymation, convulsive twitching of eyelids, even unconsciousness. Afterwards weak, tremulous debility, with singing in the ears and fainting.
In prolonged menstrual bleeding, lasting two or three, even four weeks every time; severe bearing down pain at the onset of the bleeding; much loss of blood, with black coagula; extremely tired and chilly; constipated; anaemic: China C 30 brought great relief (case of Charette, quoted by Mezger).
Suppression of menses; from chagrin, with vicariating secretion of milk from the breasts every four weeks; with yellow complexion and depressed mood. Congestion to uterus, with fullness and painful bearing-down towards vulva, especially while walking. Painful heaviness in pelvis.
Uterine haemorrhages with discharge of black clots, especially after labour, but also otherwise; with uterine spasms, cutting in abdomen and urging to urinate; with exhaustion, fainting attacks and twitching; in weak persons who have lost much blood already; with ringing in ears, coldness of skin, obscuration of sight, hardly perceptible pulse; wants to be fanned, needs more air.
In pregnancy with habitual tendency to abortion, especially where a great excitability prevails and bleeding is provoked by every emotion.
China is frequently indicated in haemorrhages around confinement; if much bleeding accompanies retention of placenta, with faint-like prostration,