
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1825

The most marked action of China in this area is diarrhoea. It is usually (but not always) painless, with much weakness and trembling, and the stools contain undigested food; they are often accompanied by great fermentation in the bowel and flatulence, and with the faeces large amounts of gas may be discharged. ‘Diarrhoea; it seemed as though the faeces contained undigested food; they passed in several pieces; and after he had finished there was still an inclination to stool, but no more passed.’ The stools are thin, frequent, profuse, and often blackish.
Undigested diarrhoeic stools, only at night and immediately after eating, or always returning towards morning. Diarrhoea of watery mucus. Involuntary diarrhoeic stools, of cadaverous odour.
Diarrhoea from eating fruit and sour foods, drinking beer, etc.; in hot weather; after sever acute disease. Periodic recurring diarrhoea, every other day. ‘Diarrhoea comes on gradually, stools more and more watery, pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation.’ It has also been used in the dehydrated states from extreme loss of fluids in cholera, and has in some cases been successfully used in dysentery with bloody stools, even in melaena, but not often. The loss of fluids and the extreme exhaustion will be the guiding symptoms.
China is often indicated in exhausting summer diarrhoea of children, but in these cases there are usually severe griping pains. From the proving: ‘Soft stools with biting-burning pain in anus and colic before and after every stool.’ ‘Has to press out the stool with extreme force, although it is not hard but pasty; afterwards ineffectual urging with pain.’ In long-lasting diarrhoeic attacks of children where the patients become very drowsy, with dilated pupils, accelerated and superficial respiration, cold skin, especially of the prominent parts of the face, as ears, nose and chin.
Stools that lack bilious colouring; white, with dark urine. Yellow, slimy, thin, involuntary stools.
In the rectum, pressure; crawling; discharge of ascarides; of mucus.
Spasmodic contracting pain from rectum through (male) urethra to glans penis and through the testes, in the evening.
Although diarrhoea is the prominent action of China, it has also caused constipation with accumulation of faeces in the intestines, heat in head and dizziness.