
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1805

Aching everywhere; in the joints, the bones, and the periosteum, as if from over-lifting, like a drawing-tearing ache, especially in the spine, the small of the back, the knees, and thighs.
The gall-bladder is a special seat of complaint in China. Gall-stone colic where the pain may resemble the sort of pain that is associated with neuralgia. Aggravation by slight touch at site of pain; and excessive bloating which is not better by passing of wind.
Colic from sand and or sludge in the gall-bladder; in theses cases China may, if indicated from the symptomatology, cause the discharge of the sand from the gall-bladder with relief of all symptoms, while in real gall-stones of bigger size an ejection will not be possible; but also in these cases China can greatly relieve the pain, inflammation and tension, if it is indicated.
Some examples: the gall-bladder did not show up on cholecyst¬ography, probably being obstructed. She was told she had to have surgery. She had had repeated attacks of gall-bladder colic. We asked to postpone the operation for two weeks to see if something could be done for her. As it was, we could. After China, the sand came out through the stool for several days. She was perfect after that. But don’t expect to be able to do that with gall-stones, unless they are very small.
A ‘hospital case’ of gall-stone colic (with big stones) was accompanied by fever and intense pain. X-Rays would not show the gall-bladder. Antibiotics would not make the fever drop, and the patient was constipated for 4 or 5 days. The doctors told her they would have to operate but she said, “No, I want to see George before I decide upon an operation.” I gave China, according to the symptoms she had. It had a beautiful effect: the fever dropped, the pain subsided, she had a normal stool the next day. She was without fever the day after China. Some days later, the gall-bladder showed on the X-ray picture, and the doctors could recognise lots of large stones in it. Operating brought out 18 stones – big ones. So the remedy had eased the inflammation and pain, and had let the stones drop