
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1802

be able to strengthen a sick person while he is still suffering from his disease, which is the source of his weakness? Have they ever seen a patient recover quickly from his disease by suitable help who did not recover his strength by himself while his disease was removed? .How wrong must it be to intend to make a sick person stronger and comfortable by China (and wine) who is still affected by his disease! These ‘practical doctors’ are not able to cure diseases, but they want to strengthen the unhealed patient with Cinchona bark. For as long as the scourge of pathology affects the whole human being, devouring his strength and depriving him of any comfortable feeling, it will be a childish, a stupid, a contradictory undertaking to intend to give strength and well-being to such an unhealed person.’
As every homeopath knows, Hahnemann was not content with criticism but went ahead to practical conclusions: he began to test the actions of the remedy upon healthy persons by his method of proving. From these pure actions of the remedy he derived his indications for China in pathological conditions. He did use China in cases of intermittent fever and of weakness, but according to the law of similars, i.e. according to the symptoms China is able to cause in the healthy organism, never in an indiscriminate manner as his ‘practical’ contemporaries did: and he used the infinitesimal single dose, never the frequent ‘heroic’ and toxic dosages they were wont to give.
China is in general aggravated at night, either headache, asthma, pain, or the emotional state. All this points to China. When you have a great regularity in the recurrence of the symptoms, think of China. A special time is exactly at midnight (Kent describes a case), around 3 o’clock in the morning; every day, every other day (Guernsey, Nash), or perhaps every 5 or 7 days. Kent: ‘A part of this periodicity is an aggravation at night, and sometimes sharply at midnight. In colic that comes on regularly every night at 12 o’clock. …A lady had colic and bloating of the abdomen