they think the whole thing is utterly crazy. They have to go to work, they have to ‘get back to the facts’, and there is so big a difference that they cannot understand themselves, but the fancies restart in the evening, because they feel good with them.
Natrum muriaticum patients will also dwell on the occurrences of the day when they are in bed, but their thoughts are quite unlike those of China. They are ‘dark’ and negative while China’s are optimistic. Nat-mur. dwells on past unpleasant events; a callous remark made to them; a slight, whether real or imagined, at the hands of another; a social faux pas they may have committed; or thoughts like: ‘This person did not say good morning to me.’ All of these thoughts are depressive, painful, dark. Staphysagria’s nocturnal thinking pattern is different again: their thoughts turn to romantic-sexual relationships. Staph. will invent a sexual relation¬ship with someone they like. While lying in bed, their minds create an erotic scenario; thus stimulated, they are compelled to masturbate. Staph. tends to masturbate much more than other people (compare Platina, Lachesis).
At the same time, the provings show a strong aversion to ‘real work’. ‘Aversion to physical and mental exertion.’ ‘No desire to work; he is inactive.’ ‘Fretful indecision; she is unable to reach her ends, and is in a peevish mood with this.’ ‘No desire for mental and serious occupation.’
Difficult Communication
The extreme sensitivity of China persons will make it very difficult for them to deal with other people, to communicate with them. China is one of the main remedies with that difficulty. You may sense their sensitivity by their behaviour during the interview, especially in China children. They will be very tense, reluctant to look at you when talking because they feel so much; sometimes a child doesn’t want to talk at all, and if he or she does, the eyes are