
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1777

heaviness in the occiput, and different right- or left-sided pressive pain in the head region may be concomitants.
Another interesting symptom is a ‘kind of numbness in the muscles of the hepatic region and in the whole right side of neck, face, and head’ (Teste). Moreover, Chelidonium has a specific action upon the function of the whole intestinal tract. Buchmann gives a lot of cases where the remedy cured gastric and intestinal catarrhs, even chronic, with decreased secretion of bile (seen in the colour of the stools), great lassitude and heaviness of limbs, headache and inability to think. ‘Epidemic gastro intestinal catarrhs with bright-coloured diarrhoea, loss of appetite and fever, often very obstinate, with great emaciation and prostration’ (Buchmann). The action upon the portal system shows in abdominal hyperaemia, sometimes leading to haemorrhoids.
More abdominal symptoms:
Abdomen distended, tense and hard; also bloated and flatulent; with full and uncomfortable feeling. Flatus discharged in great quantities.
Growling and dull rumbling in abdomen.
Contraction of the abdominal walls, especially on coughing.
Griping in the umbilical region, then cutting in the abdomen and across the right lumbar region, extending to the back.
Pinching in the intestines, extending to chest and back, ameliorated by flatus. Continued cutting in intestines immediately after eating, which he had relished, though. (Here we have an example of the pains that are not felt while eating but appear immediately after eating. This also belongs to Chelidonium, as well as the other and more characteristic pain that is relieved after eating and during the two or three hours of digestion.)
Constrictive sensation in the hypogastrium, with pressure upon the bladder; just before the passage of turbid urine. Or: spasmodic pain just above the os pubis, with frequent urging to urinate.
Tensive spasmodic drawing pain in both inguinal regions, extending from above and outer part to below and inner part.
Jerky cutting in intestines, as with knives; obliged to go to stool which does not relieve.