
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1775

Great aversion to or desire for cheese.
Great desire for wine or sour things which seem to ameliorate abdominal pain. Coffee may be disgusting or desired (the latter especially if very hot).
Much nausea with disgust and inclination to vomit and actual vomiting. The nausea begins in the stomach and ascends upward, even into the head. ‘I feel sick and nauseous at night. The feeling comes from deep below and rises into the head. Maybe it would be better if I rose from bed and ate something, but I don’t manage to leave the bed. It is always about 3 or 4 a.m. and really wakes me from sleep’ (from a case from Keller).
Nausea with increased warmth of body; with gagging, during an anxiety attack; ameliorated after belching; nausea from pain that extends from below right scapula to the stomach.
Vomiting of tough mucus, preceded by strong nausea. Vomiting in pregnancy. Bilious vomiting, also in sick headache; also bitter or sour vomitus, slimy, sometimes greenish. The vomiting may be very severe, nothing can be retained in stomach except boiling hot water.
Much hiccup; much empty eructation, sometimes tasting of juniper berries. Bitter eructation causing shivering, with a bitter taste that remains for a long time. Eructation with heartburn.
Spasmodic stomach-ache, especially when stomach is empty, relieved by eating, by drinking milk (‘drowning the pain in milk,’ as one of Keller’s patients described it); the pain extends to the back or to the right scapula.
Sharp and painful stitch into the pit of the stomach, extending through the body to the back. Pain in pit of stomach and in back, at the same height. Pressive pain in stomach, with oppressed and anxious feeling and embarrassed respiration, worse by touch and pressure. A great sensitivity, tension and constriction in the stomach and liver region; especially sensitive at the border of epigastrium and right hypochondrium. Distension of stomach. Violent pain in pit of stomach as if the stomach were constricted.
Burning in left side, below the ribs, in a horizontal line with the pit of the stomach. Burning in stomach with eructation; relieved from eating for several hours. Drawing pains from the sacrum upward to the right side, ending in pit of stomach where they become fixed; motion aggravates, belching ameliorates.
A gnawing and digging pain in the stomach which can only be relieved by renewed eating is a key-note (if the pain is pressive or drawing, Petroleum