was affected, more especially the lower lobe of the right lung. Pneumonia with hepatisation of the right lung; with haemoptysis. ‘Pneumonia right side, where there is a great deal of mucus’ (Guernsey). ‘Numerous cases of pneumonia in right lung have been cured when associated with symptoms of hepatic derangement, distressing pain under right scapula’ (Allen, Clinicals). Pneumonia with acute intestinal catarrh, thickly furred, dry, cracked tongue, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal distension, etc.; or with ‘bilious complications’ (yellow sputa, jaundice); cough often violent, with frequent vomiting of mucus; percussion results in a dull sound in the right scapular region; pale, collapsed face; sopor; twitching; extreme prostration; no appetite. The remedy may also be indicated in right-sided pleurisy with the characteristic stitching pain.
A dull and heavy deep-seated pain in whole right chest and shoulder, without cough, but with embarrassed respiration; this pain, which is at times accompanied with dull beatings in the chest, does not allow him to draw a long breath, but is not perceptibly aggravated by motion of arm; it is particularly felt in axilla and under shoulder-blade.
Stitches beneath or below the right ribs; generally, many stitching pains in chest, but preferably on right side. ‘Pain in the lower portion of the right wall of the chest, extending into the side, involving a place of a hand’s breadth, aggravated by every inspiration.’ ‘Violent stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the thorax, on inspiration, aggravated by motion and cough.’ Stitches extending to scapula, cannot breathe deeply because of the pain. Drawing pain from lower end of sternum around the right side to the spine, with sore pain there, even touch of clothes aggravates the pain.
Sudden violent pain in right side, about 7th and 8th rib, inspiration and motion aggravates; with headache before and after. Has to sit upright without moving, otherwise the chest pains get intolerable. Violent stitches urge her to inspire slowly and carefully, to talk in an extremely low voice, sometimes preventing motion and speaking altogether.
Pain between 6th and 7th rib of right side, when bending thorax to opposite side.
Sensation of soreness in the lower ribs of the right side.
Stitches in the forepart of the lower portion of the thorax, extending into the intestines below the navel.
Spasmodic pressure behind the middle of the sternum, in a spot of about 5 cm in diameter, awakens at night; the pressure extends into trachea, causing a