extending to the vertebrae, caused by walking fast, blowing nose, sneezing; painful tension on deep inspiration at inner side of thorax, at its base; amelioration of pain by belching (because the accumulation of air presses upon the diaphragm); oppression of breath by a belt or with a sensation as from too tight a belt, causing anxiety. The asthmatic attacks may be so violent that the whistling inspiration can be heard as soon as one enters the house.
A strange and rare symptom is ‘asthmatic attack while urinating.’
Difficult inspiration, with short cough, preceded by pain first in right, then in left side of thorax.
Chelidonium has a short and violent spasmodic cough, either dry, without any expectoration, or with forcible ejection of small lumps of mucus; the mucus literally flies from the mouth.
A sensation of dust in the pit of the throat and behind the sternum, causing cough but the sensation of dust is not relieved by the coughing.
Racking cough, especially in the morning, coming deep from the lungs, much expectoration that is very difficult to raise and comes out in large lumps. Or the whole abdomen contracts painfully on each paroxysm of cough. With the cough, retrosternal pain, especially at night.
Frequent paroxysms of cough with difficult breathing and stitches in right side of chest. Paroxysm of cough at 4 p.m.
Cough with pain in larynx, chest and back.
A kind of whooping-cough with the following symptoms: violent, racking, continuous cough, with tears in the eyes, also waking from sleep, with burning stinging pain, constant tickling and irritation to cough in larynx, glottal spasm , ejection of mucus. Spasms of laryngeal muscles; larynx seems to be pressed against oesophagus, or constrictive, choking sensation in trachea as if the air could not pass through; oppression, constriction, spasm of chest; dyspnoea with anxiety, also on waking at night.
Chest and Lungs
Chelidonium has proved a very valuable remedy in infection of the lung, even in pneumonia, but in the vast majority of the cases it was the right lung that