dyspnoea, anxiety, constrictive feeling in trachea. ‘Bronchitis of children, with dusky red face and oppression of breathing’ (Allen, Clinicals). ‘Capillary bronchitis; difficult respiration, short fits of coughing, rattling of mucus in chest, particularly when accompanied by thin, bright yellow stools’ (Hoyne). Also in glottal spasm, tonic and clonic spasms of the muscles of larynx and throat.
Severe hoarseness each afternoon at 5 p.m., so that her voice could hardly be heard (Carleton Smith). Daily aggravation at the same time is a general feature of Chelidonium.
Shortness of breath and oppression, as if the chest were constricted and she could not get her breath through.
Short and difficult respiration, with oppression and anxiety in the chest; especially at midnight on waking.
Dyspnoea and oppressed chest may accompany many complaints. In connection with this, a feeling as if the clothes were too tight is a characteristic symptom. ‘Clothes cause oppression of chest, has to loosen them.’ ‘Chest feels narrowed, as if constricted by a coat of mail.’ ‘Pressure upon chest, impeding breath.’
Can only breathe shallowly and with much exertion, with anxiety as if he were to suffocate. Short and quick breathing; sometimes with flapping of the wings of the nose.
A peculiar symptom: ‘Unable to get enough air with every inspiration; therefore quick expiration in order to be able to inspire again as soon as possible. Some deep inspirations relieve. ’Desire for fresh air to make the breathing easier.
Short breath and anxiety are better by belching.
Nightly attacks of asthma with a sense of constriction in the chest. The Chelidonium asthma tends to have its seat in the diaphragm. Some symptoms that support this localisation and may indicate the remedy in asthmatic complaints: cutting and shooting pain in hypochondria, with a constrictive feeling as from a string; a sensation as of a writhing animal in the epigastric region; hiccup; stitching and jerking pain from the lower part of the sternum straight through to the back; pain deep in chest on stooping,