
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1768

Sensation of pressure in orbits and eyeballs, from without inwards or else from within outwards. ‘Stupefying pressure upon the right orbita, as if from without.’ ‘Pain and pressure in upper part of eyeballs, as if pressed in.’ ‘Violent pressive pain in centre of eyeball, as if it were too large to allow the upper lid to close above it.’
Feeling of sand in the eyes, less felt on closing them.
Burning and heat in the eyes.
The neuralgic head pain will frequently involve the ears, and pain behind the right ear is a proving symptom. ‘Tearing from the right cheek-bone to the ear and around the ear, extending thence to the upper part of the occiput, upward to the lambdoidal suture.’
A long-continued stitching in the right external ear, which gradually disappears. Both ears feel stopped; on coughing the hearing is lost as if someone had pressed his hand upon the ears for a long time.
Roaring noises as of water or wind frequently accompany the headaches, and sometimes it is coupled with a loss of hearing. Or there is a thundering in the ears as from a distant cannonade, a noise like ‘whoop, whoop’.
Painful pressure out of the right ear, with subsequent tickling in it.
Ringing in the left ear on walking. Ringing like whistling in the ears.
An annoying sensation in both ears, as if wind were streaming out of them, so that he was frequently obliged to put his finger into the ear to relieve this sensation.
Fan-like movement of the wings of the nose in chest disorders.
Catarrhal infection, with deep racking cough and stopped coryza. Extremely profuse mucous discharge, has to change handkerchief several times a day. Obstruction of nose, also in liver complaints.
Itching and stinging in tip of nose; it is swollen and red.
Nostrils unusually dry, as if stopped.
Transient illusions of the sense of smell, repeated for seconds and minutes.
Sore feeling in nostrils.