
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1763

feeling over the whole body, with trembling (Hahnemann); or a kind of numbness in the muscles in the hepatic region and in the whole right side of face, neck, and head (Teste).
A temperature symptom, again accentuating the right-sidedness: right foot ice cold up to the knee, also with a subjective sensation of coldness, while the other foot and the rest of the body have their natural temperature, and the veins of arms and hands are swollen (Hahnemann).
As noted above, Chelidonium has a strong action upon the sensory nerves and is therefore useful in neuralgia; but it also affects the motor nerves, causing trembling of the head and limbs, twitching of single muscles, mainly in the extremities, but also of the head and the eyelids, involuntary motions of muscles, and tonic spasms of the flexors of fingers and toes. It has been prescribed with success in certain cases of chorea, where prostration, fatigue, peevishness, anxiety, palpitation, oppression of breath, loss of appetite and a kind of vertigo, dizziness or confusion of head, even to fainting, predominate. ‘Trembling over whole body, with fainting, nausea, anxiety.’ ‘Twitching in the muscles here and there on waking.’
Tyler mentions a ‘little symptom complex that spells Cheli¬donium in nondescript cases’: pain at right shoulder-blade-angle; tooth notched tongue; great drowsiness by day. (She adds: milk; hot drinks; especially hot milk.)
In many complaints, there is a strikingly slow pulse.
Buchmann summarises his indications of Chelidonium like this: vertigo, staggering, dizziness; confusion of head; trembling and twitching in limbs; greyish-yellow, sunken face; increased secretion of Meibomian glands; inflamed sebaceous glands and comedones in face; heat of face; paroxysms of chill in evening;