
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1762

observe a pain that presses outward instead of inward, some¬times accompanied by a roaring in the ears or in the head.
Further frequent pain qualities are: spasmodic, cramp-like pain, of a dull or shooting character; drawing pain; burning pain. Often we see that the pain extends backward, especially from stomach, liver, abdomen to the back and, of course, to the right lower scapular angle.
Characteristic pain modalities: ‘The pains frequently change place quickly, cease for some hours after lunch, prevent falling asleep before midnight, awake from sleep at 4 or 5 a.m., and are also felt when waking at the usual time’ (Buchmann). The ceasing of complaints from eating, especially after lunch, does not only apply to stomach and abdominal pain, but also to nausea and even to headaches or the mental symptoms. They might disappear for two or three hours (‘time of first digestion’), but in some cases the amelioration is only for the time during eating, and after a very short time, the complaints return again.
Besides the amelioration by eating in general, there is a special amelioration, as mentioned, from warm foods and drinks and from milk. And external warmth, especially local warmth, will generally relieve the Chelidonium symptoms. Furthermore, there is a desire for sour food, vinegar, etc., and also for wine, and these foods and drinks will also ameliorate. Concerning the food desires and aversions, a strong affinity to cheese is well-confirmed (see above).
It was said above that changes of weather, regardless in which direction, generally aggravate the symptoms. This is well- documented especially for cold storms, ‘North Easters’ (Boger) at the East coast of America, and North-west storms in middle and Western Europe (Buchmann).
Another characteristic sensation: a sudden numbness or anaesthetic