
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1760

left side, as Buchmann’s provings show. (Morrison relates a case which confirms this symptom.)
The yellowness manifests on the skin of the whole body but also in single parts, especially the face, the whites of the eyes, the hands, etc., and the tongue which may be thickly coated yellow; also in the stool and urine (bright-yellow or golden-yellow; also clay-coloured stools). Here we especially see the action upon the secretion of gall: diminished gall secretion makes the stool grey or yellowish-white.
Other pathologies, with or without connection to liver disorder: anxiety attacks; neuralgia (supraorbital, prosopalgia, etc.); ophthalmias which affect the vision; cardialgia; intestinal catarrhs with bright-coloured diarrhoea; nephritis; bronchitis and laryngitis; influenza; whooping-cough in the beginning stage; glottis spasms and asthma bronchiale; pneumonia and pleurisy, especially if right¬sided; endocarditis, pericarditis; haemorrhoids; intermittent fever; acute rheumatism; erysipelas, acne, roseola, and so on.
Special localities of the action of Chelidonium are, besides the liver: the portal system; the mucus membranes (catarrhal infection) and serous membranes (especially pleura, pericardia, and knee joints; a localisation ‘two fingers’ breadth below the knee-joint of one side’, which was elicited in Hahnemann’s proving, has been confirmed by Keller). According to Boericke, serous effusions are generally a clinical indication for Chelidonium.
Some general symptoms:
Lethargy, sleepiness, sickly feeling, of a somewhat vague, nondescript kind, ‘does not know what is really the matter with him.’
‘Great indolence and sleepiness, without yawning.’ ‘Great debility and lassitude.’ ‘Great lethargy, debility, weariness and