
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1744

and drinking. On the other hand, an inclination to shiver from the least draft of cold air, from uncovering only for a minute, is also present.
The obvious disturbance in regulation of temperature shows in a lot of strange symptoms. One is heat and redness in some parts, coldness and paleness in others, often in rapid alternation. The best-known manifestation is the heat and redness of only one cheek, but there are others: ‘Constant alternation of heat and coldness in various parts: now the hands are cold, now warm; now the forearm, now the upper arm cold, now warm; now forehead is cold and cheeks are hot, etc.’ Shivering and chill may be felt only on the posterior portion of the body, or the exact reverse: only on anterior portion. Often the face and head are (completely or partially) hot and congested, eyes and breath burn like fire, whereas the rest of the body, especially the limbs, are cold. Or: ‘Slight shivering, alternating with heat, creeping over back and abdomen.’ In bed, even lightly covered parts are burning hot, while uncovered parts are almost cold.
Heat and shivering will often intermingle; and subjective sensation and objective temperature will not rarely ‘fall apart.’ ‘Sensation of external heat, without objective external warmth.’ Or: shivering of single parts in paroxysms, but without external coldness, rather with internal and external dry heat. Or: ‘internal heat, with shivering.’
The sweat is usually profuse, especially of covered parts; and it tends to be hot and sticky and to appear mostly on the head (forehead and hairy scalp), the hair becoming actually wet. ‘You touch the head of a Chamomilla baby, and find it warm and wet’ (Tyler). The sweat usually smells sour. But also: ‘Dry skin, on account of excessive perspiration’ (Hering/Gross). Generally, perspiration will be followed by relief, but during the sweat there may be even an aggravation of the symptoms (Hering/Gross).
The remedy may be indicated in intermittent fever with bilious and gastric symptoms and night sweats (Leeser).
The skin is generally unhealthy; every injury causes inflammation and suppuration. Excoriated, sore spots of skin, especially in children. Oversensitivity of skin in children; tendency to excoriation between thighs.