too short.
Stiffness of hands and feet in cold air, as though they would become frozen. Continued rheumatic restraint of mobility of upper arm, which prevents to reach with the hand to the head and to dress or undress; pain worse at night and in bed. Arms immediately go numb when grasping anything firmly; is obliged to let the object drop.
Stiffness of arm as if it would go numb when grasping anything with the hand. Pain in arms, cannot bear slightest motion.
Convulsions of arms, with clenched thumbs; convulsive twitching of fingers. Cold hands, with cold perspiration of palms; or else very dry palms (Boger). Fingers become cold and tend to go numb, while sitting.
Violent drawing tearing from ischium to os calcis and sole with cramp-like tension of muscles; sciatica.
Great sensation of weakness in knee joints, with a feeling as if the articular surfaces were separated from each other; also on walking. Stitches around knee joint, with pain in hollow of knee ‘as if an artery were too short, swollen and painful.’ Tensive pain in bend of knee on extending the leg. On these proving symptoms, Gypser cured a painful sensation in knee ‘as if it were separated from the leg’, with swelling, redness, warmth and slight pain in bend of knee, and aggravation on walking, touch and extension of the joint (Klassische Homöopathie 6/85).
Knees or ankles give way with sudden fatigue and prostration; especially in the afternoon.
Strong disposition to cramps of calves; on extending legs and pressing feet against bed; better by bending knee.
Crawling and heaviness in calves.
Feels as though she were walking around on the ends of the bones of her legs and didn’t have any feet, as though the feet were gone (Tyler).
Tearing pain in feet, cannot bear to cover them in bed.
Burning of soles, at night; puts feet out of bed.
Convulsive contraction of toes, with tearing pain in limbs.
Feet as if paralysed, especially at night; has no power in them, cannot step, when rising he falls to the ground, with drawing pain in thigh and numbness of sole of foot.