
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1741

forward from sacrum; or suppressed, with diarrhoea, colic, toothache afterwards. Indurated node beneath mamilla, painful to touch, with drawing tearing pain within; fretful, sleepless and cross. Indurated breasts, like a cancer growth. Very tender breasts, nipples inflamed and swollen. Even touch of clothes is unendurable; gets enraged about the pain.
Problems of lactation; milk ‘spoiled’, baby won’t nurse; or infant gets convulsions after nursing, when mother had a spell of anger before. Extremely tender warts, can’t endure the pain when nursing.
Sore, ulcerated breasts from nursing (especially after anger), leaving indurated nodes that remain for some time.
Has also been successfully used in veterinary practice, namely in cows when the milk drips out without milking (Wolff).
Cramps in uterus or back as soon as she puts the suckling baby to the breast.
Drawing pain in back.
Lumbago, especially at night. Pain in small of back as if bruised or beaten. Bruised or beaten feeling in muscles of back and loins.
Intolerable pain in loins and one hip joint at night, when he lies on opposite side.
Cracking of the joints, especially of the lower limbs, with pain in them as if bruised.
Pain in periosteum of all limbs, with paralytic weakness.
All the joints are aching as if bruised or beaten; no power in the hands and feet, but without corresponding fatigue.
Wandering pain in limbs, coming on frequently and always most severe in the beginning, with paralytic weakness in the affected parts. This ‘numb’, ‘pithy’ or ‘paralytic sensation’ accompanies or follows nearly all the drawing and tearing extremity pain of Chamomilla.
Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night, and compel him to walk about. Tearing pain in limbs, only relieved by constant turning in bed.
Drawing and tearing ‘jerks’ in bones and tendons of limbs.
Limb pains that are felt ‘in the arteries,’ with a sensation as if the vessels were