
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1740

‘Drawing forward from small of back, with clutching and griping in uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood.’ ‘Frequent discharge of clotted blood, with severe labour-like pains in the uterus, and tearing pains in veins of lower legs.’ ‘Cutting colic and drawing in the thighs before the menses.’
‘Dragging toward uterus like labour pains, with very frequent urging to urinate.’ ‘Constant oozing of dark, foul blood, with occasional bright gushes.’ The bleeding may be accompanied by thirst, coldness of extremities, and fainting spells.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea, even when it has existed since the menarche. Menstrual colic as a result of a fit of anger (or other emotional arousal), in women who are not usually subject to ‘menstrual cramps.’
Peevish, fretful, obstinate, even to quarrelling, before or during menses, especially at the onset of the flow.
Suppression of menstrual flow after suppressed sweat or vexation; with tremendous irritability and quarrelsomeness.
Yellow, acrid, biting fluor. Acrid, biting, watery discharge from vagina after lunch. Metritis after a violent spell of anger.
Nausea of pregnancy, with faint-like weakness; with pains that are worse by eructation.
Malpresentation of foetus, with frequent urging to urinate, and frequent pressing towards the uterus; with discharge of dark clotted blood. Threatened abortion, labour pains with discharge of dark, clotted blood, frequent urination, urine profuse, pale.
Extreme spasmodic labour pains, with rigidity of os uteri; scarcely able to endure them, wants to ‘get away from them.’ Chamomilla will often be indicated in ‘false’, irregular labour pains that press in the wrong direction, seem to press upward, or from the sacrum down the inner side of the thighs. ‘Labour pains that are clutching here, and clutching there, and cramping, showing that certain fibres of the uterus are contracting in one direction, and certain other fibres in another’ (Kent). Hour-glass contractions. With the labour pains, extremely cross, inclined to scold everybody, hot and thirsty.
In extremely distressing and long-continued after-pains. Puerperal convul¬sions after anger, or has one cheek red, one cheek pale in confinement. Lochia too profuse, bloody, unusually dark, also with labour-like pain clutching