The colic is mainly of a cutting character, more rarely griping or stitching, and it is usually worst at night. Cutting colic with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. There is also a griping-tearing pain in the navel region and lower down on both sides, with pain in the small of the back as if broken. Constant tearing colic as if the bowels were drawn up in a ball in the side of the abdomen.
The colic is often attended by one red cheek and hot perspiration.
Dragging towards the abdominal ring, as if this part were too weak to resist, as if a hernia would appear.
Sensation as the whole abdomen were hollow, with constant motion in the intestines; with blue rings around the eyes, and with transient anxiety.
Chamomilla is a well-known remedy in a certain kind of diarrhoea, especially during dentition and/or after anger or cold. This diarrhoea has the green colour of grass and is watery, consisting of faeces and mucus, often having a yellowish-green or white-green appearance, and ‘as if chopped’; like chopped eggs with spinach. It feels burning hot and stinks like putrid eggs, often also acrid and corroding the anus; hence Chamomilla acts in ‘chafing’ around anus in children. Sour-smelling diarrhoea. The remedy has also proved useful when the stools contained undigested parts of the food.
Diarrhoea may be accompanied by violent colic with bloating of the abdomen, also by vomiting of bile, and it may attend convulsions of teething children. ‘Nocturnal diarrhoea with colic, urging her to bend double.’ ‘Diarrhoea, only consisting of white mucus, with colic.’ Thirst, bitter taste in mouth and bitter eructation are other important concomitants.
Chamomilla has, however, also proved useful in a kind of constipation with inactivity of the rectum, where the faeces can only be ejected by pressure of the abdominal muscles.
Haemorrhoids, especially blind, but also bleeding ones; with ulcerating fissures at the anus.
‘Itching pain in anus’ (Hahnemann).
Swollen appearance of the anus, with much redness and protrusion (‘pouting anus’).