Nausea with irritation to vomit after morning coffee, with suffocative attacks; nausea felt at the heart, with a compressive sensation. Or there is heat and sweat over and over after morning coffee, with vomiting of bitter mucus.
Bitter, bilious vomit, or vomiting of green mucus, or sour vomiting, with sour odour from mouth; vomiting preceded by eructation, sometimes attended by diarrhoea and colic. Acid vomiting and diarrhoea with sick headache, or instead of it.
Fruitless efforts to vomit. Gagging, twisting and griping in the pit of the stomach. Violent retching, violent efforts to vomit, it seems as if it would tear the stomach, with cold sweat and much exhaustion. For this reason, Chamomilla will stop the vomiting after a dose of morphine given to oversensitive patients when the pain is relieved for a short time but returns with awful eructation and violent retching.
Pressing in stomach as from a stone pressing down. Pressive pain in stomach and beneath ribs, also impeding breathing, especially after drinking coffee. Pressive pain in pit extorting cries, with anxiety and tremendous perspiration. The pressure also comes on after every meal, even after eating very little.
Burning across the stomach into each hypochondrium.
Constrictive gastralgia in coffee drinkers. Indigestion produced by anger.
Much distension of the abdomen, even tympanitic; sensitive to touch; especially after eating. Chamomilla has been used successfully in peritonitis.
Colic that returns in spells, from time to time; especially in young children during dentition, in coffee drinkers and after catching cold. Wind colic, flatulence accumulates in the hypochondria, and dull stitches shoot upward through the chest. Flatus pressing here and there, very violent, as if they would penetrate through the abdominal muscles; only little amounts of flatus are discharged, without amelioration; eructations aggravate the pain, but application of warm cloths relieves.
Bilious colic and jaundice after vexation and anger; also after other emotional excitement or from exposure to cold. ‘Colic while urinating’ is a strange symptom. Labour-like colic before urination.