
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1736

and sound. Asthma or cough after a fit of anger; if the patient already has a cough and becomes angry about anything, a fit of coughing will come on. ‘Child becomes angry and then has to cough’ (Hahnemann). Asthmatic attacks from accumulation of flatus; better from bending head back; worse from dry weather, dry East and North winds.
Suffocative attacks from repercussion of the measles eruption, by taking cold. Suffocative dyspnoea with constriction of the throat in the region of the throat pit, with constant irritation to cough.
Constriction of upper part of chest, which is painful when coughing.
Whistling, wheezing, rattling in trachea or chest, on breathing; especially with children.
Chest and Heart
Stitches shooting upward into the middle of the chest, from the abdomen; as from flatulence.
Single severe stitches in the chest at times. Stitches in the chest as from needles. Pressive retrosternal pain, neither oppressing breath nor increased from breathing or touch.
Like a load on the heart, the heart aches, the heart feels as if it is compressed; with anxious screaming and tremendous perspiration.
Palpitation. ‘Red hypertension.’
Nauseous feeling around the heart, with sudden faint-like attacks of weakness, as if paralysed.
Lack of appetite, but constant unquenchable thirst, especially for cold water and sour drinks. Can’t find any food that tastes good; nothing ‘goes down.’ Literally shaking at the sight of food, is disgusted by it.
Special aversions: to beer (which ‘stinks’, at least to his acute sense of smell); to broth; to coffee which greatly aggravates. On the other hand, a violent craving for coffee also occurs (polarity of action). Desire for raw sauerkraut. Ungern-Sternberg also recommends Chamomilla in potency for the ill effects of excessive use of chamomile tea (colic, sleeplessness, diarrhoea, and so on). Eructation smelling like putrid eggs. Eructations generally aggravate the existing pain.