
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1731

‘It is difficult to think of Chamomilla as an eye remedy, and yet it can be very useful’ (Blackie). It may be indicated in inflammation and redness of the eyes, of the conjunctivae, the lids or the margins of lids, especially in the new¬born. Also in keratitis, especially of the pustular variety (Allen, Clinicals). Oozing of blood or bloody water from the eyes that may finally be agglutinated by coagulated blood, with inability to open them. Or: much swelling and bluish redness of lids, conjunctiva dark red, inner surface of lids and eyeball covered with partly much yellow, pus-like mucus, partly bloody fluid. Hahnemann’s proving gives a well-confirmed symptom: ‘The eye is swollen in the morning, agglutinated with purulent mucus.’ The pus-like discharge is often yellowish and caused by an exposure to wind or draft.
Bloodshot eyes, or yellowness of whites.
A strong feeling of heat in the eyes. Hahnemann: ‘A sensation as if fire and heat came out of the eyes.’ And: ‘Coldness of whole body with burning heat of face, firing out through the eyes.’
Violent pressure in the orbital region, with sensation in bulbus as if it were tightly compressed from all sides, and with momentary obscuration of sight. Oversensitive eyes; cannot bear light; photophobia.
Convulsive twitching of eyes and lids; blepharospasm, with convulsive closure of lids; great heaviness of lids.
Chamomilla is almost a specific in otitis media of young children where there is irritability and screaming (Pulsatilla: weeping). The pain is felt extremely violently, and as infants are not able to tell the pain in words, they tell their story in another way: by ‘that sharp, piercing tone of the voice’ (Kent), hardly tolerable for the surroundings, and by putting the hand to the ears, ‘spitefully moaning, yelling and screaming.’ The ear is red and swollen, the child will not allow the doctor to touch the ear, not even to look into it, it will slap the doctor in the face. Sometimes the otitis begins with coryza affecting the sinuses and finally the ears, or with tonsillitis. Otitis with high fever (Pahud, Klassische Homöopathie).
The pain is usually sticking and shooting. ‘Single large stitches in the ear, especially when stooping, with tendency to take everything in bad part