distortion of eyes, contraction of facial muscles, rattling in chest, with much cough; yawns and stretches very much.’ Convulsions can be excited by the child being punished or scolded, or by every vexatious incident.
Other frequent pathological states are wind colic without amelio¬ration from belching; diarrhoea with a stool as ‘chopped egg with spinach’, and excoriation around the anus; ‘whopping’ cough where the spells are excited by irritation and anger, where the child first gets red in the face and then starts coughing, etc. A very frequent condition is also earache and otitis media where Chamomilla is fre-quently indicated, provided the symptoms agree, and that in all these affections the Chamomilla state of mind is present, with the extreme irritability, screaming day and night, kicking, beating, and so on.
Hahnemann, and after him Kent, have pointed to the severe problems arising from the abuse of Camomile tea in children. Even in our day there is still a conviction in some people that Camomile tea is ‘always good and healthy’ and should be given to sick children because of its pacifying properties. But abuse of Camomile tea can trigger a state like that described here! So this domestic practice should, at all costs, be abandoned.
Chamomilla has mainly two sensitive spots in the body, the ears and teeth. In both areas, inflammation will easily come on and the pain will be excessive. There is also inflammation of the parotid glands, with salivation during sleep. Rheumatism compelling the patients to get up and walk about; they are thirsty, and hot. There is insomnia of children; starting in sleep; twitching of the hands and face; hot sweat are also very marked.
Three well-known key-notes: the Chamomilla patient very often has