Neck and Back
The main characteristics are a stiffness of the cervical region, with tension and even cramp there, and a tendency to cracking in this region.
Stiffness of neck and nape of neck with occipital pain, muscles feel as if bound so that she can hardly move her head, or cannot move it at all. Tension and shortened feeling in the muscles of the nape; or in the side of the neck and chest; the head or the whole body may be actually drawn to one (right) side. Such tension may come from exposure to cold or from fast motions (turning the head, etc.).
Tearing pain originating in the nape of the neck and extending upward and forward to the frontal region. Drawing and tearing pain in the scapulae.
Moist and violently itching eczema in the nape of the neck.
Stiffness of the small of the back. It may be quite painful and is especially felt on rising from a seat. On account of this stiffness and a lame feeling, it is generally difficult to get up from a recumbent or sitting position.
Backache from over-lifting, which begins in the small of the back and extends to the hip, the pain being tensive as if the muscles were too short.
Pressive or pinching cramp-like pain in the lumbar and sacral region, and at the same time in the buttocks.
Causticum can be useful in cases of back pain of menses or labour.
There is much itching in the back; also stitches.
The chills of Causticum frequently begin in the back, often in the cervical or dorsal region. A sensation of a cold wind blowing onto the spine, right between the scapulae; it is not even relieved by the warmth of a stove or of heating. However, pain and stiffness will generally be better from external warmth.Well- confirmed are the coccygeal pains: dull and drawing; sore, as if beaten; jerking, darting.
The main characteristics are a paralytic weakness of all or single limbs, with trembling and often with contracture; and an unbearable restlessness of the extremities, particularly the legs, in the evening and during the night; constant motion of the legs during sleep.
The paralytic symptoms are often one-sided, especially right-sided, and develop slowly and gradually. Such a development may be caused by exposure to