
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1708

Besides the stitches, pressive pains in the testes as if squeezed (again especially the right side) have been caused and cured by Causticum.
Increased secretion of smegma.
Causticum has been used with good results in phimosis.
Ejaculation mixed with blood.
Much soreness and itching in the genital region; itching at scrotum, skin of penis, orifice of urethra.
Female Genitalia
In the female sexual sphere we have not only absence of enjoyment in coitus, but also a marked aversion to sexual intercourse (compare Sepia). The sexual drive is diminished or altogether missing.
Delayed and difficult menarche.
Problems in connection with menstruation are numerous. Dysmenorrhoea, with violent cramping, pressive abdominal pain just at the onset of the flow; with tearing in the back and small of back which increases on motion; with diarrhoea. Other symptoms during menses are very tired and ill-humoured, great weakness; yellow discoloration of face; dizziness and whirling in head, worse stooping, better in the afternoon; headaches; easy perspiration; a kind of stinging pain under left mamma.
Before menses: much back pain and anxious dreams; melancholy, everything looks black; occipital headache and backache, relieved after first day of period. The menses are often delayed but profuse, with discharge of blood in large clots. Bonninghausen mentions ‘sterility with delayed menses’ as an indication. On the other hand, there is also increased bleeding that comes too early, with some metrorrhagia from time to time after the menses.
An unusual symptom: no menstrual discharge at night, flows only by day.
The menstrual blood may have an offensive odour and provoke itching at the pudenda. The same may be true for the fluor, and soreness and irritation in the genital region is generally frequent.
Very profuse fluor, gushing out like the menses and also smelling similar to it. It has, however, the tendency to flow only at night.
For pregnant and nursing woman, see above, ‘Mother and Infant’.