due to over-distension of the bladder, i.e. persons who had no opportunity or ability to satisfy the urging to urinate, have been cured by this remedy; also incontinence after being chilled.
Very frequent urging to urinate, with involuntary dribbling.
Involuntary urination occurs day and night. Causticum is a remedy in enuresis nocturna, especially in initial sleep, worse in winter and better in summer. The sensory nerves of the urethra may also be affected, which is shown graphically in this well-confirmed proving symptom: micturition so easy that he does not feel the stream and can scarcely believe in the dark that he is urinating until he makes sure with his hand.
Causticum has also a second kind of paralysis of the bladder, affecting the muscles of expulsion, with the consequence of retention of urine. This may also be due to over-distension of the bladder (Kent gives an example of a woman who is too shy to go to the toilet in a crowded railroad car and subsequently is unable to pass urine) or chill; and the remedy is very useful in retention of urine after parturition or surgical operations.
Two proving symptoms concerning the retention of urine are: ‘Urging to urinate without passing any, after waiting a long time very little urine passes, the urging is soon renewed.’ ‘Ineffectual urging, and if some drops do pass, he gets a violent pain in the bladder, and (afterwards) also spasms in rectum.’ There is very frequent urging without passing any urine; afterwards, while sitting, involuntary urination.
The urine often flows slowly, with interruptions; the last drops are often delayed, and dribbling after urination occurs.
The urine is dark brown; turbid and cloudy; or increased and pale, like water. Burning in the urethra during urination, or acrid urine, with a biting as from salt in the (female) genital region.
Sudden nocturnal burning in urethra. Itching of the orifice.
Pressive cramping pain in the kidneys and small of back, while sitting.
Male Genitalia
Stitching pain in the testes (especially the right side) and absence of enjoyment during coitus are the main characteristics in the male sexual sphere.