evacuation of stool though the urging and pressing continues. Or: ‘Urging in rectum as though faeces were lodged in it.’ ‘Pressure in rectum all day.’ On the other hand, even hard stools which collect in the inactive rectum can pass involuntarily (e.g. ‘with the sensation as if only flatus were to pass’, Hahnemann), even unnoticed, which again points to the paralytic action of Causticum.
The stools are often hard and knotty; but also tough stools that shine like grease have been noted; or stools covered with white mucus. Or: bright, even white stools. Diarrhoea with much tenesmus and burning; often in the evening and at night; during the menses. Diarrhoeic infection may be caused by exposure of abdomen to cold air or by eating certain foods, as fresh meat.
The spasmodic tendency of the rectum and anus may also result in a soft stool that is extremely thinly formed (‘like a goose quill’, as Hahnemann says). Or spasms of the rectum occur simultaneously with retention of stool and urine and much urging. Spasms in rectum making it impossible to walk; must sit still. Frequently a sudden penetrating pressive pain in rectum.
After stool: much burning in the anus; palpitations; heat in the face with a tendency to sweat; anxiety in the chest; distension of the abdomen. Haemorrhoids are also an important indication of Causticum (Lippe is said to have cured Hering’s haemorrhoids with this remedy). The Causticum haemorrhoids are typically painful, with a sore pain as if raw, which is intolerably increased from walking and from thinking of them. Other ‘haemorrhoidal’ observations: piles impeding stool; swollen, with itching stinging and much moisture; hard and very painful, burning, stinging, on touch and walking; piles from making public speeches or straining the voice.
Excessive itching and stitching in the anus and rectum, sometimes at the same time in the genital region; relieved by cold water.
Fistula in ano; accompanied by much pain and pulsation in the perineum. Excoriation and fissures in the anal and perineal region, particularly painful on walking.
Urinary Organs
Paralysis of bladder with loss of urine from any kind of pressure on the abdominal muscles, such as exists when coughing, laughing or sneezing, is the great characteristic of Causticum in this area. Moreover, incontinence