Much nausea, even before eating, with appetite, or as soon as one starts eating. Nausea with headache.
The stomach pain is mainly of a pressive and/or cramping character. It can become very violent (especially during the menses, in connection with uterine cramps); eating the least amount of the best digestible food makes them much worse, as does the pressure of clothes. They are also increased by every quick movement, urging the patient to lie down. ‘Stomach-ache relieved by lying down’ is a valuable proving symptom.
Pinching, clawing pain in pit of stomach on deep inspiration. Pressive pain in the stomach from cold air touching the abdomen; the whole digestive system is very sensitive to the influence of cold air and may react with diarrhoea and other symptoms.
There is much flatulence with painful distension of the abdomen, urging the patient to loosen the clothes and to bend double. The abdomen may feel as if it were extremely full, literally as if to burst. Loud rumbling and rolling borborygmus, and frequent emission of loud flatus all afternoon, sometimes quite offensive.
The cramping, colicky abdominal pains particularly occur in the morning, and they tend to radiate to the back and chest. Cutting colic when the menses start to flow.
Swelling of the navel, soreness to touch around it.
Stitching pain in the right side of the abdomen: below the ribs; in the region of the liver.
Paralytic weakness of the rectum with consequent difficulty in evacuation of the stool is the characteristic here. Obstinate constipation, great exertion of the abdominal muscles is necessary to discharge the stool, the defecation being very difficult. A key-note is ‘Stool passed better while standing.’
The constipation may go with frequent unsuccessful urging, with much pain, anxiety and redness in the face. There may also be a spasmodic constriction of the anus (sometimes extremely painful) which hinders any