head: buzzing, roaring, humming, throbbing, singing, ringing; even chirping as of crickets or whistling as of a bird. These noises may also be symptoms of Meniere’s disease, and Farrington reports a cure of this disease with Causticum. But we also find deafness of a catarrhal origin: a catarrh creeping up the Eustachian tube, from nose and throat into ear, with roaring and cracking noises and reverberations in the ear. Especially their own voice seems too loud and re-echoes, also each step reverberates in the ear. Speaks very low because the voice seems so loud. Feelings of obstruction of ears are also reported. Causticum has been used in chronic inflammation of the middle ear, with a purulent, offensive discharge; also thick, tough and gluey, like most mucous discharges of this remedy.
Stitches in the right ear, paroxysmal and in rapid succession.
A pain in the ear as if everything forced itself out, and as if they would burst. Accumulation of ear-wax, sometimes offensive in odour.
Stitches at the concha, first right then left.
The ears burn and get very red.
Eruptions, horny growths, or warts on the nose, especially at the tip, are characteristic of this remedy. Inflamed, swollen and scrofulous tip, with ulceration of nostrils.
In a recent case described by Reis and Muller, a spot on the nose which had showed no tendency to heal for months and was suspected to be malignant, disappeared after Causticum in the course of one week.
Much itching of the nose: tip, alae and inside of it, as if a coryza were coming on.
Troublesome, chronic coryza; either dry, with complete stoppage of both nostrils, or fluent, with acrid, burning, excoriating discharge and pain in chest and limbs. The nasal discharge may also consist of foetid mucus. Thick, yellow or yellowish-green secretion. Bonninghausen gives another interesting symptom: congested nose by day, fluent coryza at night.
Coryza with severe hoarseness, cannot speak loud.
Frequent sneezing in the morning, sometimes bloody.
Profuse nose-bleed.